Where do we go from here?


Plane over wires

What do you do with a travel blog when you’re finished with your travels? When your days now differ significantly from the days spent wandering freely, exploring and adventuring, to abruptly searching for a job, being in a city and looking out the same damn window every day. Suddenly your nights are not spent stargazing or dancing on a beach in the tropics. Responsibilities ensue. Don’t get me wrong, with all of these changes comes the joy of being with family and friends and we’re surrounded by wonderful people who love us. These are all the things I missed the most.

I’m not saying we’ll never travel again, but for now, we’re settling in. We’re starting a garden, working, paying rent; all the typical stuff that has nothing to do with traveling.

I have grown somewhat attached to this blog and the amazing folks who have faithfully followed us on our journey over the last year; however what is it they say about a dead horse?

We’ve been back home for about a month. It has taken longer than I expected to adapt, although I am getting there. I have realized that a purpose to one’s life is what drives us. It gives our life meaning and satisfaction. Not that I’m asking you to define my purpose in life, but I am asking that you offer up your brilliant, creative, funny, dirty, I don’t care, any thoughts are great thoughts, for my next blog. I need you. It must involve photography. That’s the only rule. Give it to me!

Where do we go from here?

By the way, our book is in the making. We are so close to finishing it and we’re excited to share it with you.


Our local farm stand




Santa Barbara Mission


A house, on a street, in a town.


Filed under Adventure, Photo Blog, Photography, Travel

5 responses to “Where do we go from here?

  1. Hi S & S — so glad to hear you are doing well and settling in, though I’ll miss your travel adventures. BUT … you have such a unique eye and passion for photography, I think you should simply apply it to the things you find remarkable in your “pedestrian” life, and bear witness to that. I always find it fascinating when people really capture the beauty and unique character of their own normal lives — and I believe you’re more than capable of doing that. Check out “The simple life of a country man’s wife” — and see how she captures life on a farm in South Dakota so well — and since that is totally foreign and exotic to me, I enjoy it quite as much as exotic travel blogs … or more! Have a great day!!

  2. I hope you’re both happy…you kinda sound a little doubtful…love you guys…

  3. Haven’t heard from you in a long while. This explains it. Truth is I have the same question. Nowhere to go these days. tsk..

  4. Jack von Biela

    Very nice, hope all is going well for both of you. I’m on my own journey??????

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